The Curved Sliding Doors can become a very useful tool for architects when designing circular facades. This type of solution produces an elegant entrance, since it adjusts to the desired shape, offering the same clear free passage width as a straight sliding door and ensuring the flow of users in the rush hours.
These curved doors are optimally integrated with the architecture of the building. Curved sliding doors can also keep space in front of swing doors (manual or automatic), and by means of night closures, the safety of the installation is safeguarded thanks to electromagnetic locks.
Its main advantage in front of the revolving doors, is that they allow its installation in smaller spaces maintaining the aesthetic that they would bring thanks to its curved glazing. In addition, they are easily programmable and protection to users is guaranteed thanks to security sensors.
Another effective solution to improve energy efficiency is the installation in windbreaks with fixed side panels along with another automatic sliding door, either straight or curved. In this way, we ensure the air conditioning inside the building and avoid temperature losses due to air exchanges.
Curved Sliding Door Circular System have a wide range of materials and finishes (Stainless Steel or lacquered, aluminum, copper, bronze …) as well as designs adjusted to the architectural project. The multiple configurations (simple ou double, with concave or convex curvatures), and the possibility of integration of air curtains for air conditioning, turn them into the best solution of the market.